The Quality Initiative - An Introduction

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The Compulsory Purchase Quality Initiative

Rule 2b of our Constitution states that one of our primary objectives is “to promote best practice and the highest professional standards among and between practitioners at all levels”. In the 13 years since the CPA came into being, it has enjoyed great success in furthering that objective and that of advancing the sharing of knowledge and expertise among its members in the complex field of compulsory purchase. The ever-increasing membership of the Association and levels of attendance at the National Conference and other educational events show how well the Association has done in providing a forum for exchanging views on matters of topical and general importance. The wealth of expertise in the Association’s membership is acknowledged in our consultative role with Governmental and other agencies on matters of reform and best practice.
Against this background, the CPA proposes to introduce the Quality Initiative, an accreditation scheme for those practising in compulsory purchase to ensure maintenance of appropriate standards. We propose this in recognition of the fact that the exercise of compulsory purchase powers has a profound effect on the lives and livelihoods of those who, by no choice of their own, find themselves involved in that process. For public authorities – and others – exercising those powers, there is a grave burden of responsibility in seeking to ensure that those powers are exercised fairly and appropriately. It is therefore vital that members of the public and acquiring authorities who are engaging with them can have confidence that the advice they receive from those representing their interests is properly founded on an appropriate level of knowledge and expertise.
There are four aspects to the proposal I would mention specifically as set out in the enclosed document.

The provision of educational qualifications
There are limited opportunities for undergraduates to acquire the necessary knowledge and expertise in compulsory purchase. The CPA is in discussion with the College of Estate Management to provide two formal education programmes to address this and provide appropriate instruction for those wishing to develop a career in this demanding field.

The creation of minimum standards
QI is needed to provide protection to participants in and ensure best practice at all stages of the CPO process. It will provide a set of standards against which to benchmark appropriate levels of competence.

Recognising knowledge and experience
Those that undertake and pass the accreditation process will be able to publish themselves as appropriately qualified persons. They will be included in a register that acquiring authorities could use to refer their details to people affected by compulsory purchase orders or who wish to make a compensation claim.

Fast tracking those who are already proficient and competent in CPO practice
It is recognised that many of the Association’s members will already have attained the necessary level of knowledge and expertise such that they should not have to “re-train” in the discipline in which they are already proficient. It is therefore proposed that there will be a fast track process for established and expert practitioners.

I would be grateful if you would read the enclosed document introducing the CPA’s proposed Quality Initiative. We would welcome any comments which you may wish to make on it to Any comments that are made will be published unless you explicitly ask us to redact your name and qualifications. Please indicate if you wish us to do so. We will be holding engagement events for you to attend and ask questions, click here for more information. 

Yours sincerely

Chair of the National Committee of the CPA
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