Events > Bank of past events > Old Years > 2018
Wednesday 11 July 2018
Registration 9.15; Start 10.00; Close 17.20 Followed by a drinks reception
Congress Centre, 28 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS5 Hours 30 mins CPD
With the provision of infrastructure and housing at the top of the Government’s agenda, demand for the services of compulsory purchase and compensation practitioners continues to increase. HS2, Crossrail 2, Heathrow Terminal 5 and the Garden Villages/ Towns programmes currently grab the headlines, but across the country there are hundreds of projects that demand the skills of those with an understanding of how to implement and advise on CPO's.
The conference has a mix of topics covering law, practice and market activity sessions; specifically looking at:
- What will the role of compulsory purchase be in meeting Housing Delivery?
- What makes for good engagement where land is to be compulsorily acquired?
- Should the compulsory purchase consent regime make a difference?
- How can compulsory purchase be used successfully to deliver regeneration and can there be unintended consequences?
The Compulsory Purchase Association's National Conference seeks to brief members, non members and the professions on key issues and topics within the sector, providing valuable CPD for all those engaged in compulsory purchase and land compensation work. If you do CPO work, this is a must attend event for technical knowledge, updates and networking.
- Vicky Fowler, CPA Chair and Partner, Gowlings WLG (UK) LLP
- Jamie Ratcliff, Assistant Director - Housing, The Greater London Authority
- Dan Knowles LLB (Hons) PG Dip MRICS RICS Registered Valuer, Director, Sawyer Fielding Ltd
- Colin Cottage BSc (Hons) MRICS IRRV, Partner, Head of Regeneration & Infrastructure, Glenny LLP
- Guy Roots QC, Barrister, Francis Taylor Building
- Jonathan Stott MRICS, Vice Chair CPA and Managing Director, Gateley Hamer
- Hannah Griffin, Assistant Director, Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services, Ernst & Young
- Jack Clitheroe, Manager, Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services, Ernst & Young
- Emmanuel Pitman, Director, Compulsory Purchase, Savills
- Clarke Vallance, Director, Compulsory Purchase, Savills
- Michael Eckett BSc (Hons) MRICS, Head of Property Acquisitions, HS2 Ltd
- Mandy Watson, Project Manager - Property, Clyde Gateway
- Charles Clarke, Principal Lawyer - Property & Planning, Transport for London
- Doug Lee, Development Planning Manager, Birmingham City Council
- Anna Pickering, DCO and Statutory Processes Team Leader, Highways England
- Paul Astbury BSc (Hons) FRICS, Partner, Head of Compulsory Purchase, Carter Jonas LLP
Welcome, introduction and round up of CPA activities by Conference Chair
The delivery of housing and the role of compulsory purchase
Estate Regeneration: Brokering deals with homeowners from a claimants perspective
Relocation, Relocation, Relocation - The Growing Problem at the Heart of CPOs
- The shrinking supply of low grade space
- The 'funding gap'
- The value for money principle
- The benefits of early engagement
- Solutions?
Streamlining the assessment of compensation: a draft CPA protocol
- The need for a protocol
- The status of the CPA's protocol
- Narrowing issues prior to a tribunal reference
- The role of acquiring authorities
- The use of ADR
- Next steps
Advance payments
- No longer an oxymoron
- The new claim form
- Interest rates
Market issues
- The skills shortage
- Key challenges faced
- Alternative Dispute Resolution and its application
Early CPO Alternative Dispute Resolution
- A proposal for RICS to establish a structured bespoke ADR process for CPO claims
- An overview of the need
- An outline of the procedure being considered
- Likely benefits of such a scheme, including how it dovetails with CPA compensation protocol
HS2 update
Clyde Gateway – Glasgow regeneration – a case study
Last year the conference looked at Ottawa. A case study that focused on the city’s ambitious transport regeneration which unlocked land for prime development and added value to the city. This year the focus is on city renewal and cultural development in Glasgow, and how CPO was able to transform a significant part of the city. It will look at:
- What was needed?
- The regeneration plan
- Land assembly in action
- The build strategy
- Community engagement
- Regeneration in action
- City living
TfL Good Practice Charter
- Presentation of draft good practice charter in compulsory purchase from TfL
Panel session: Consenting regimes and inconsistent approaches to engagement.
- Experience of engagement on hybrid bill, DCO and CPO
- Approach on consultation, land strategy and engagement dependent on order type
- Expectation by acquiring and confirming authority dependant and claimants on order type
- Issues for claimants depending on order type
Sponsors for the day
The CPA are pleased to announce Vero Consulting are sponsoring the AM & PM Refreshments
The CPA are pleased to announce VPS UK Ltd are sponsoring the conference lunch
The CPA are pleased to announce Ardent Management are sponsoring the post conference drinks
For details click here or Call 0118 987 3345