Nominations 2023

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For Members

Nominations 2023

CPA Nominations 2023: for Vice Chair and 6 Directors
As part of the governance of the CPA, the CPA is required to call for members to elect a Vice Chair and 6 board members annually.

Nominations are now open (until 28 July 2023) for:
  • Vice-Chair (the Vice Chair serves one year (from AGM to AGM), but automatically assumes the chairmanship at the following year’s AGM)
  • Six elected Board Members (from AGM October 2023 - AGM 2025)

Standing for the Board, the details:

  • Anyone seeking to stand needs to complete the nomination form.
  • Please read the extract from the Articles of Association, on page 2 of the nomination form. The full Articles of Association can be found by clicking here.
  • Those standing must be fully paid up members. There is now no requirement for proposers or seconders.
  • All nomination forms must be returned to the CPA office Via email or post no later than the 28th July 2023. Contact details are found here.
  • The normal term of a board member is two years. The Chair and Vice-Chair serve for one year only. To be eligible to stand as Chair or Vice Chair you must have served previously on the board at some point.
  • If there are more people standing than there are posts, then there shall be an election. Details will be published on the website if this happens and members emailed.
  • If you are elected to the Board, there is a presumption and expectation that you will attend board meetings in person, with the option of attending virtually by conference calling. There are usually 10 such meetings annually. Reasonable costs are paid for attendance to committee meetings for members who are not based in, or work in London.  Directors do sit on working groups and receive board papers for reading, reviewing and responding, so there is a need to carry out CPA duties between, and in addition to, attending board meetings.
  • Insofar as members who have not served on the Board previously wish to understand more about what membership of the Board involves, we have made available two Board members who will not be standing in this year’s election to answer questions on a confidential basis. Do please direct any questions to Caroline Daly or Natasha Lamptey.

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