The CPA AGM 2023

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The CPA AGM 2023

When: Thursday 12th October 2023
Location: Squire Patton Boggs, 60 London Wall, London, EC2M 5TQ
Timings: Registration: 17.45, Start: 18.00; Drinks Reception: approx 19.15
CPD Hours: Not Applicable for this Event
Price: Free Event
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting for the Association will be held on Thursday 12th October 2023 for the purposes of transacting the following Association business:

AGM Business:
  • Receiving report by the Chairman
  • Receiving report and accounts by the Hon. Treasurer
  • Announcement of the Election of Directors
  • Closing and any other business

Tony Johnson Momorial lecture: Safeguarding - iniquity and inequity – is it fit for the 21st Century?
  • Safeguarding land protects land for future development. But safeguarding avoids scrutiny and challenge almost indefinitely, thereby blighting land and land owner rights.
  • Is there a human rights issue?  
  • The CPO process, as well as the DCO process, are open to challenge, visible and time limited.
  • What does the future hold for safeguarding?

Daisy Noble, FTB Chambers
Meyric Lewis KC, FTB Chambers
Colin Cottage, Ardent Management

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