Membership Benefits
Why you should be a member of the CPA?
"The law of compulsory purchase of land is difficult to locate, complicated to decipher and elusive to apply" Lord Carnwath. More relevantly, the law and practice remain complex. The CPA provides the environment necessary to stay in touch with best practice and those that undertake such work. There are substantial member benefits at a modest cost.
Why acquiring authorities should be members of the CPA?
Do local authorities have the expertise to bring forward and deliver a CPO? The cost of failing far outweigh the costs of being a member. Being a member provides access to all the benefits of membership – particularly to networking and best practice. If you work for a local government we offer a corporate membership at a discount rate.
Benefits of Membership
- If you are involved or interested in the field of compulsory purchase, the CPA provides an ideal platform to network, learn, and contribute to best practice and law reform.
- The CPA promotes and imparts best practice
- The CPA is cross professional, making it the voice of the profession
- The CPA has contributed significantly to recent law reform.
- The CPA was also one of the drivers behind the new RICS Professional Statement setting mandatory standards for surveyors advising in respect of compulsory purchase and statutory valuation.
- Members benefit from discounts on our national conference and discounts or often free attendance, at regional events. You also receive e-alerts on CPO and CPA business
- Whilst the CPA is no stamp of expertise, it does carry weight in the eyes of practitioners who are associated with CPO matters.
- Discounted attendance at national conference.
- Discounted or free regional CPD events and network events
- Newsletter and CPO briefings
- Distribution of live CPO jobs
- Discounted Reform lecture attendance
The CPA Recruitment Service
Members of the CPA firms are entilted to have advertise a current job within their company on our website. This job will also be circulated with all members of the CPA. For more information on this, please view our Careers page here.