Modules TAB - Upskilling: The Compulsory Purchase Professional Development Programme

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Events > Upskilling

The Compulsory Purchase Professional Development Programme


The core modules:

  1. Securing the Powers: Need for and sources of compulsory purchase powers - 21/10/24
  2. Power Options: Compulsory purchase, DCOs and T&WOs procedures - 04/11/24
  3. Blight, Preliminary Access and Referencing: Land Cost Estimates, access for preparatory work, Blight notices and acquisitions - 25/11/24
  4. Exercising Powers: notices to treat, GVDs and taking possession - 16/12/24
  5. Resolving CPO Disputes through Mediation, ADR and the Courts: Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) references and limitation periods - 13/01/25
  6. Assessment of Compensation Part 1: Compensation: general overview and Rules 2 and 3 where land is acquired - 03/02/25
  7. Assessment of Compensation Part 2: Scheme rules and planning assumptions - 24/02/25
  8. Assessment of Compensation Part 3: Severance and injurious affection. Rules 4 and 5 - 17/03/25
  9. Assessment of Compensation Part 4: Disturbance and additional payments - 31/03/25
  10. Assessment of Compensation Part 5: Compensation where no land acquired - 28/04/25

There will be an 11th optional in-person 1 day session to all booked on the full programme – details yet to published

Dates scheduled are subject to possible change.
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