FEATURES TAB - Upskilling: The Compulsory Purchase Professional Development Programme

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Events > Upskilling

The Compulsory Purchase Professional Development Programme

Further features of the programme:

  • With modules being online, attendees have no travel downtime or costs, all of which allow us to provide competitive pricing for the programme.
  • To start in October.
  • Will run over circa 8 months – roughly 1 every 3 weeks – will navigate around school and peak holiday periods.
  • Modules will take place; Registration 11.55, start at 12.00 Mondays and run for circa 2 ½ hrs.
  • Notice of dates will be announced in full for 2024 and will be given prior notice in advance of 2025 dates.
  • Its recognised that work and personal commitments can get in the way of the process. The modules will be recorded and made available on-demand post event, accessible 24/7.
  • There will be circa 25 hours of online learning – a mix of lecture and learning through debate and discussion.
  • Modules will provide slides, a recording of the module, references for additional reading and possible use of polling during the module.
  • Post each module, there may be a multiple choice self-assessment (with answers available subsequently), and / or model question being offered enabling attendees to prepare an answer and share with their line manager for discussion. The purpose is to give attendees the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learnt as part of the process. It provides a confidence boaster for both attendee and line manager, showing off the ROI (return of investment).
  • A contact group will be established to engage and exchange comments with fellow attendees outside of the scheduled module times.
  • There is no formal assessment of what is learnt, in a similar way to the provision of CPD events. Candidates should be motivated towards self learning. Employers and line managers will be ultimate assessors of their new skills learnt. The true value is in acquiring the knowledge and understanding quickly, becoming valuable and more independent to line managers.
  • There will be an 11th module, in person. Attendees will be encouraged to attend - The venue location will be based on the demographics of those attending the programme. The benefits of attending will be; meet some of the tutors and board members of the CPA, listen to a lecture from Barry Denyer-Green, undertake some case studies with peers – mimicking how project work is undertaken in the real practise. It will be treated as a celebration of work undertaken and a scene setter for getting the most of the CPO world.
  • Anyone who joins the programme and who is not a member of the Compulsory Purchase Association will be automatically enrolled as a student member of the CPA for 2 years; reaping the benefits of membership – free and discounted events and materials.           
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